- class Atk4\Data\Field
Field represents a model property
that can hold information about your entity.
In Agile Data we call it a Field, to distinguish it from object properties. Fields
inside a model normally have a corresponding instance of Field class.
See Model::addField()
on how fields are added. By default,
persistence sets the property _defaultSeedAddField which should correspond
to a field object that has enough capabilities for performing field-specific
mapping into persistence-logic.
- class Atk4\Data\Field
Field represents a property
of your business entity or column
if you think
of your data in a tabular way. Once you have defined Field for your Model, you
can set and read value of that field:
$model->set('name', 'John');
echo $model->get('name'); // John
Purpose of Field
Implementation of Field in Agile Data is a very powerful and distinctive feature.
While Model::$data
store your field values, the job of Field
is to interpret that value, normalize it, type-cast it, validate it and decide
on how to store or present it.
The implementation of Fields is tightly integrated with Model
Field Type
- property Atk4\Data\Field::$type
Probably a most useful quality of Field is that it has a clear type:
$model->addField('age', ['type' => 'integer']);
$model->set('age', '123');
var_dump($model->get('age')); // int(123)
Agile Data defines some basic types to make sure that values:
can be safely stored and manipulated.
can be saved (Persistence)
can be presented to user (UI)
A good example would be a date
$model->addField('birth', ['type' => 'date']);
$model->set('birth', new DateTime('2014-01-10'));
When used with SQL persistence the value will be automatically converted into a
format preferred by the database 2014-10-01
. Because PHP has only a single
type for storing date, time and datetime, this can lead to various problems such
as handling of timezones or DST. Agile Data takes care of those issues for you
Conversions between types is what we call Typecasting and there is a documentation section dedicated to it.
Finally, because Field is a class, it can be further extended. For some
interesting examples, check out PasswordField
. I’ll explain how to
create your own field classes and where they can be beneficial.
Valid types are: string, integer, boolean, datetime, date, time.
You can specify unsupported type too. It will be untouched by Agile Data so you would have to implement your own handling of a new type.
Persistence implements two methods:
Those are responsible for converting PHP native types to persistence specific formats as defined in fields. Those methods will also change name of the field if needed (see Field::actual)
Basic Properties
Fields have properties, which define its behavior. Some properties apply on how
the values are handled or restrictions on interaction, other values can even
help with data visualization. For example if Field::$enum
is used
with Agile UI form, it will be displayed as radio button or a drop-down:
$model->addField('gender', ['enum' => ['F', 'M']]);
// Agile UI code:
$app = new \Atk4\Ui\App('my app');
You will also not be able to set value which is not one of the enum
even if you don’t use UI.
This allows you to define your data fields once and have those rules respected everywhere in your app - in your manual code, in UI and in API.
- property Atk4\Data\Field::$default
When no value is specified for a field, default value is used when inserting. This value will also appear pre-filled inside a Form.
- property Atk4\Data\Field::$enum
Specifies array containing all the possible options for the value. You can set only to one of the values (loosely typed comparison is used).
- property Atk4\Data\Field::$values
Specifies array containing all the possible options for the value. Similar with $enum, but difference is that this array is a hash array so array keys will be used as values and array values will be used as titles for these values.
- property Atk4\Data\Field::$nullable
Set this to false if field value must NOT be NULL. Attempting to set field value to “NULL” will result in exception. Example:
$model->set('age', 0);
$model->set('age', null); // exception
- property Atk4\Data\Field::$required
Set this to true for field that may not contain “empty” value. You can’t use NULL or any value that is considered empty/false by PHP. Some examples that are not allowed are:
empty string ‘’
0 numerical value or 0.0
boolean false
$model->set('age', 0); // exception
$model->set('age', null); // exception
- property Atk4\Data\Field::$readOnly
Modifying field that is read-only through set() methods (or array access) will
result in exception. Field\SqlExpressionField
is read-only by default.
- property Atk4\Data\Field::$actual
Specify name of the Table Row Field under which field will be persisted.
- property Atk4\Data\Field::$join
This property will point to Join
object if field is associated
with a joined table row.
- property Atk4\Data\Field::$system
System flag is intended for fields that are important to have inside hooks
or some core logic of a model. System fields will always be appended to
, however by default they will not appear on forms
or grids (see Field::isVisible
, Field::isEditable
Adding condition on a field will also make it system.
- property Atk4\Data\Field::$neverPersist
Field will never be loaded or saved into persistence. You can use this flag for fields that physically are not located in the database, yet you want to see this field in beforeSave hooks.
- property Atk4\Data\Field::$neverSave
This field will be loaded normally, but will not be saved in a database. Unlike “readOnly” which has a similar effect, you can still change the value of this field. It will simply be ignored on save. You can create some logic in beforeSave hook to read this value.
- property Atk4\Data\Field::$ui
This field contains certain arguments that may be needed by the UI layer to know if user should be allowed to edit this field.
- Atk4\Data\Field::set()
Set the value of the field. Same as $model->set($fieldName, $value);
- Atk4\Data\Field::setNull()
Set field value to NULL. This will bypass “nullable” and “required” checks and should only be used if you are planning to set a different value to the field before executing save().
If you do not set non-null value to a not-nullable field, save() will fail with exception.
$model['age'] = 0;
$model->getField('age')->setNull(); // no exception
$model->save(); // still getting exception here
- Atk4\Data\Field::get()
Get the value of the field. Same as $model->get($fieldName);
UI Presentation
Agile Data does not deal directly with formatting your data for the user. There may be various items to consider, for instance the same date can be presented in a short or long format for the user.
The UI framework such as Agile Toolkit can make use of the Field::$ui
property to allow user to define default formats or input parsing rules, but
Agile Data does not regulate the Field::$ui
property and different
UI frameworks may use it differently.
- Atk4\Data\Field::isEditable()
Returns true if UI should render this field as editable and include inside forms by default.
- Atk4\Data\Field::isVisible()
Returns true if UI should render this field in Grid and other readOnly display views by default.
- Atk4\Data\Field::isHidden()
Returns true if UI should not render this field in views.