
When you work with the DSQL, you can work with transactions. There are 2 enhancements to the standard functionality of transactions in DSQL:

  1. You can start nested transactions.

  2. You can use Connection::atomic() which has a nicer syntax.

It is recommended to always use atomic() in your code.

class Atk4\Data\Persistence\Sql\Connection

Execute callback within the SQL transaction. If callback encounters an exception, whole transaction will be automatically rolled back:

$c->atomic(function () use ($c) {
    $c->dsql('user')->set('balance = balance + 10')->where('id', 10)->mode('update')->executeStatement();
    $c->dsql('user')->set('balance = balance - 10')->where('id', 14)->mode('update')->executeStatement();

atomic() can be nested. The successful completion of a top-most method will commit everything. Rollback of a top-most method will roll back everything.


Start new transaction. If already started, will do nothing but will increase transaction depth.


Will commit transaction, however if Connection::beginTransaction was executed more than once, will only decrease transaction depth.


Returns true if transaction is currently active. There is no need for you to ever use this method.


Roll-back the transaction, however if Connection::beginTransaction was executed more than once, will only decrease transaction depth.


If you roll-back internal transaction and commit external transaction, then result might be unpredictable. Please discuss this